Sunday, December 30, 2007


I've been thinking about resolutions, and actually haven't come up with any good ones. Same ol' same ol'.

1. Get in shape

2. Feed my kids healthy food

3. Get my house together

4. Read more to my children

5. Save more money

6. Be less worldly

7. Read the scriptures (notice I didn't say "more" I said "read"---um yah)

8. Eat less treats

9. Be nicer to people

10. Do my visiting teaching

11. Quit whining

12. Swear less (even in my head)

13. Work harder

14. Hug more

15. Be more patient like my mother

16. Read more books

17. Do more fun things with my kids

18. Go on more trips

19. Be more creative with my photography

20. Have more parties/barbecues

21. Floss (again I didn't say "more")

22. Get to know my neighbors

23. Get to church on time

24. Read the Relief Society lessons

25. Dress more my age

26. Count my blessings more often

Wow, I sat down just to write a few and couldn't stop. I've come to and end now. So no woman in her right mind would try to do all of those things. So I plan on narrowing it down to a few. Maybe just focus on some categories or something. I do think however that everyone should have at least one fun resolution. Like--have more parties. Then it's not such a drag to make a list. I'll let you know what I decide.


Crazymamaof6 said...

seriously had to giggle. i am with you on the floss and scriptures,sad but true. mine isn't more either. but dressing your age? really? how would you do that? you have your style and you are true to it. anything else would be fake and weird. right?
good job on the have more parties and take more trips. i need to revamp my list again.

Anonymous said...

#12 is classic!

Mimi said...

that's a great list! How sad is it that we have the same resolutions every year? That' the same with me. Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

You can do it! I love your photos, but I guess we are our own worst critics!

Lindsay Nichole said...

you have motivated me.
i think i have that same problem as your #12. oops.

Cicily said...

Did you narrow it down yet? I think you should have more parties and be sure to invite me.

Micah and Jen said...

so i've been making my list's one of the FIRST ever....and I realized that I have a ton of things I CAN improve about myself, but I like all yours and yes, many of those are on mine too....but I do love your dinner party idea and soooo wish I could be there! Great list!