Friday, December 7, 2007

Over Chicken Noodle Soup

Mine and the girls conversation at lunch over chicken noodle soup:

Red(to the Juice): Did you know that Heavenly Father is brighter than the sun?

Juice: No

**Red singing a familiar primary tune**

Red: You know, that song about Moses?

Me: Sing it

Red: I only know the end part

Me: Ok, then sing it and I'll help you with the rest

Red: He is brighter than the sun . . . . .Hear him.

(Me--covering my mouth and huge smile, trying not to make her feel embarassed)

Red: You know, when Moses saw Heavenly Father and he was bright like the sun.

Me: That was Joseph Smith, he asked which church was true and he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus

Me: That's the song, it says **me singing** This is my beloved son, Hear him. He said this is my son who I love, hear him, meaning listen to him

Red: Oh

Juice: Listen to Jesus Yo


sarah said...

i love kids. the other day max told me mexicans don't believe in jesus.


Anonymous said...

Haha, "listen to jesus, yo"?? That is classic. :)

Anonymous said...

That is my new phrase, no more "Remember who you are" or "Make good choices" crap, My kids are going to hear "Listen to Jesus Yo"...

diana said...

the juice is right! that kinda sounds like choose the right, coincidence? i don't think so.

Meghan said...

Awesome...yo- I think the Juice needs to star in the next version 'out of the mouthes of babes'

Col.Smeag said...

Jill your kids are so cute. Thanks for the Birthday wish,