To create an impartial jury, the name of plantiff and defendant will be withheld.
One Wooden slightly minty flavored toothpick

Transcript of occurence:
Date: December 19, 2007
Approximate time: 6:37 p.m.
While both plantiff and defendant were driving down the road in 1994 White Chevy Suburban, the defendant having just used a toothpick for post dinner hygiene, tosses said toothpick out the window. The Plantiff informs the defendant that the action is considered "littering". The Defendant states that it is not considered littering because the item is made of wood.
Let it be known that both Plantiff and Defendant do not litter and both find it an offensive act.
Both parties have agreed to let the Blogger Court Decide.
To Jury:
Jurors do not have to know either plantiff or defendant to weigh in. All lurkers and common guests are encouraged to contribute. The burden lies on you to solve this case. Is throwing a toothpick out the window considered littering?. Please use your best judgement. You are under oath.
wow. good writing here. i have no clue. if it was me. i'd be fine with it. out the window is ok versus on the floor of the car. but then again everything I DO is ok everything he does isn't so. I love double standards when they are in my favor. i need more info. and i do throw gum out the window but not paper.good luck with your "case"!
I say it's littering, but a fairly mild offense. And I also think the defendant's argument that it's not littering "because the item is made of wood" is invalid. Would you throw a larger piece of wood out the window? My interpretation of littering is tossing anything besides maybe spit out the window (but I don't do that & consider spitting gross, but not littering).
Cicily- Littering, hands down. Jill if this was you, you should be ashamed!
James- In the woods this would be considered not littering, in the city this is a clear violation.
Sorry....totally littering! Yes, it's made of wood....but it's been in your mouth, has your DNA all over' littering! Sure, it may desolve back into the earth, but what if we ALL threw our toothpicks out the window? We would have filth everywere! And, what if that innocent toothpick landed on someone elses car window--GROSS! LITTERING!
I just saw the Lovin's pictures (they are our neighbors)...SO cute!! When she said your blog was "little jill" -- I said, oh one of my friends talks aobut her on her blog (onehm) I knew she would have your link!! I don't know if you ever found a dollhouse, but I came across this one today
haha the best part is i don't remember really anything from that day, and i get a text from the big sis of it later that night. SO nice of her. my work alrady put it on the wall and labeled it employee of the month...
also, litter is litter. trash is trash. they gave a ticket to a lady in cali for littering her cigarette ashes...not the cig, the ashes. i think the toothpick counts.
Tough Call!
I would have to say, littering.
Throwing anything out the window is littering. It shouldn't matter what it is.
Can't wait to hear what the decision is.
I say not littering. I am of the school of -if it is biodegradable you get a pass. That does not mean that I go throwing stuff out my window all day long.
That lady at the party totally blew it. Sorry about that insult...I bet you're super skinny as always and beautiful from what I see on your blog. And I love your fun blog stuff you always post.
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