Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Post

I'm Mormon, and for the sacrament we have bread and water. The bread is broken into pieces and placed on a tray that is passed down the aisle.

So today, during the bread passing, Annabelle says "I wish there were whole slices of bread instead of them broken into pieces" And I'm thinking--ok teaching moment here. So I respond, "We have the bread to remind us of Jesus, we just need a little piece to remind us to think about Jesus."

She looked at me and said, "I'd think about Jesus more if I had a WHOLE piece of bread."

She may be onto something.


onehm said...

*currently smiling from ear to ear*

Sheri said...

She's funny.

Cicily said...

Better yet, dinner rolls and the tray should have butter lining the bottom so you can take a blob with your roll. I've given this quite a bit of thought.

Hildie said...

Best idea ever!