If want the full story on the lipgloss go HERE. It's a result of a mom realizing that lipgloss names are SO TRASHY that she didn't even want to buy them. So her and two other girls (one of which is my uber talented graphic designer friend MOLLY) started a lip gloss company to change that.
What's my virtue? Curiousity. It also happens to be NieNie's as well. Go there. Get some. Support these ladies in changing the tide of sexualized products to teenagers.

And then there is my other friend Cami a.k.a. MIMI. She can do just about anything crafty and cool crafty, not your mom's crafty. She made this headband, which I wore to church and got a BAZILLION comments on. And then the necklace, she made that too. Again, BAZILLION, comments on. And she had tons of other cool necklaces and headbands, and also baby headbands (not your typical) and SUPER DUPER cool binkie clips. Coolest ones I've ever seen.


So this Saturday, go down to Blissfest Market--Downtown Mesa 10am-5pm. This stuff makes great stocking stuffers. Anyone would love this stuff. I'm in Young Women's and they all loved it. Go get some for them and for everyone and support your local talented peeps. And my peeps.
Not local? You can get the lipgloss online. And as for cool headbands, Mimi is starting an Etsy store soon--I'll keep you posted.
I'm commenting on your twitter. Yes. Every time they do it I say "stop it. Stop that!" And if Paula becomes a judge I'll never watch that show again. She's the reason I stopped watching American Idol.
Ahhh, thanks lady! What a sweet shout out. Glad you're getting compliments, that headband was one of my favorites!
Cami's stuff is all super cute and I love that Molly has started a lip gloss line to rebel against those nasty lip gloss names. Awesome.
I love that they started a company to combat the sexualized nature of marketing! KUDOS!! I have to say that when my daughter is with me in the hair product aisle I shudder a little. I mean come on... who comes up with these names for hairspray? sheesh.
Oh how I miss my super talented friends! We are the basic molly mormon crafters around here....and it drives me NUTS! I don't even do the super saturdays here....because I really can't stand the stuff anymore. I need some culture in my life around here!!!! LOVE that headband...I want one! :)
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