Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I don't see it happening

Politics. Again. I know, it's popping up all over, and a lot on my blog. So here goes some more. My brother, a good ol' right winger, loves to send me stuff. Some of it good, some of it over the top. But then he sent me this article. Long, very long. But I read it. And it stirs inside me. It stirs something that has never been stirred until now, by now I mean the last year or so, but more now. I've never been politically active, never really cared to. I hate hearing the blah blah blah of both sides--each lying about the other, or making gross overstatements. I know this because I listen to both NPR and KTAR. Both wings. But this article (among others I've been reading) make my heart beat a little faster. Do I think that Obama is a super socialist lunatic? NO. I think he is trying to do what he thinks is right and fair. In theory I would love for everyone to be fed, taken care of with a beautiful house to live in. My college degree is in Health and Human Service Administration. That means non-profit organizations, YMCA, Food Banks, Red Cross, Boys and Girls clubs etc. etc. I am not good at making money or charging people for things. I just want everyone to get things.

But I was raised by hard working parents, who had hard working parents, who had hard working parents. And being that for my career I was around "the poor" I have learned that they are there by choice. I know it's PC to cry rivers for the poor. They have been jilted by everyone--wah wah wah. But I know this--They don't live in Cuba. They live in America. They live in a land where, if they want to, they can make anything of themselves. They can get a college education for free ( I know I applied for many scholarships that weren't available to be because I wasn't poor enough, or ethnic enough). If they are immigrants, they can get free English classes. The poor can receive free job training and placement. They can get free child care to do these things. And these aren't government programs. These are non-profit programs. Programs that are funded by who???? Oh the Wealthy bastards everyone hates so much. Yes the people who have so much money coming out their wazoos that they set up trusts and foundations to fund these organizations.

I saw it, I worked it, I know it.

That's why it stirs inside me when I hear "Distribution of Wealth". To me I hear "Beat down the rich so they don't want to work hard anymore and piss on the hopes and dreams of everyone". If the rich people (who apparently hate the poor) aren't there to fund programs for the people the supposedly hate, then who is going to? OH, that's right, no one. These non-profit organizations will go away, but that's ok because the government is there to make everyone wealthy and equal.

But I don't see it happening. One thing America is known for is fighting. And I've never been a fighter, but I feel that fighter coming out. My husband at one point planned to go to medical school. That is 8 years of education/training beyond the 4 years he had already done in college. And lots of money and lots of sacrifice of family time. I tell you this. If we were into the wealth distribution plan, he wouldn't do it. I am not going to sacrifice my family time, for other people to sit on their butts and get the money he worked so hard and sacrificed so much for.

That is why I don't see it happening. Because the people like me who have sat silent for so long, just minding our own business and working day to day, are no longer being silent. We are a country with ancestry of freedom fighters. It's within us all. We will fight for liberty and live free or die trying.

So try as you will for these things---Big Government Peeps, but be ready for a fight.

Some highlights of the aforementioned article:

"For the liberal ideologue, poverty is not an economic condition per se, a temporary condition of low earnings that can be alleviated over time as those who are poor pursue opportunities and become better off. Rather, it is a permanent and reified condition: the poor are not just those who are earning less than others; they are those who have been made poor and who will continue poor, poverty being inherited in the manner that aristocratic titles may be in Britain. One acquires one's victimhood and retains it all one's life and passes it down to one's progeny, and just as aristocratic titles retain their own perks, so does impoverishment. "

"without the powerful effect of the free market, no one has any real incentive to work"


Snarky Belle said...

I'm a fighter too, and feel honored to be in the company of people like you!!!

Headed over to read the article right now.

And, my mom called last night. She often calls with ideas for me to write about. She wants me to write about the fact that my husband was told, pretty much outright, that he would have to wait a year to get in med school because the state we lived in had to take so many minority students with lower grades and MCAT scores. I feel this whole blog thing has thickened up my skin, but I'm still pondering over whether or not I'm ready to go there.

Ok, sorry to ramble on, but later this week, I'm linking to this post! I am guessing that's ok since it was last time?!?

Micah and Jen said...

Oh I love your rants! I miss hearing your info on a one-on-one basis....so keep em coming! I was raised poor as was my husband, but both sets of our parents are no longer poor. They aren't rich but they aren't struggling they use too. They broke those ties of poverty that they were raised with and rose way above it with hard work....I am greatful everyday to them for that example and for the fighters that they all are!

Tiffany said...

That was perfect! I fell exactly the same way, and I am perplexed how we have gotten so far down this path.

And thanks for the tip on the pizza place. Yum! It silenced 9 kids, which is always a sign of good food.

Sheri said...

I finally read this one. Good Post Jill. You know where I stand. I'm ready for the Revolution. Seriously.

Susan Anderson said...

Exactly...and what's more...right on, sistah! I'm new to your blog, but I am liking it!
