Monday, September 28, 2009

My birthday presents

Thank you everyone. Fab birthday--and I made out with some rad gifts.

$1,000 Gift card to this store:

I would get to meet him



Rachel Cunningham said...

I am cracking up at the bump-its. My kids see that infomercial on qubo and every time they tell me I need those for my hair.

Snarky Belle said...

Could I PLEASE meet him with you?!? I'd love you forever...ok fine, so I'll love you forever anyway, but I just sooooo want to meet him with you!

Hope your birthday was fantastic!

Micah and Jen said...

Okay, I know the bumpits were by far your fave. Don't know what I was thinking with the mini-van! :) Hope you had a great birthday!!!!

Sheri said...

Aw, mines lame.