I have avoided buying replacement blades for my razor for months. No kidding MONTHS. Because I refuse to pay that much. So I was excited to see a $3 coupon in the mail for razor refills. I was stoked. I figured the razor refills are about 9 bucks, -$3 coupon=$6. I'm ok with that. So I head off to Wal Mart, stroll into the razor section and
The razor REFILLS I had a coupon were $15.00 or almost $20.00 (two different versions). ARE YOU SERIOUS? How are they getting away with this? It's plastic and three tiny little razor blades. How do they justify it? It was something like the new Venus Embrace or something. They looked exactly liked the old ones I used to use, just with a new color packaging. And the old ones were ridiculous. So I thought I'd just suck it up and buy the old version. But it was 4 for $9.42. That's about $2.50 PER cartridge. REALLY? REALLY? (can you tell I'm excited about this). I thought it would be more environmentally friendly if I just got the cartridges and not the whole disposable razor. But NO FREAKING WAY am I going to pay $2.50 for 1 little baby cartridge that I KNOW cost them about 25 cents to make. It's PLASTIC people and paper thin metal.
So I flipped Venus and the environment the bird and bought 4 disposable razors for $.99. Yes 4. At that price I could use a new one every time I shaved (that's once a week IF I remember)
Take that Gillette.
It's not even a good razor. I got it and I want to punch it in it's face. I'm just going to use Luke's.
i had this very same experience 2 weeks ago. i was in the aisle for a good half an hour, getting more and more annoyed by the second. ended up with the cheapies too. the ridiculous price is like adding insult to injury because i loooooathe shaving.
ok, so i am on the coupon bandwagon and I get loads of every kind of razor and refill for free or dirt cheap...you should give it a try!
Im with melanie on the coupon this. Just got a bunch of those exact ones for next to NOTHING!! You should give it a try:o)
Anyway, just got your message on my blog. Jake and his adorable little family (well not little anymore, they just had their 6th) do not have a blog. I do know that he is on facebook though. I am sure he would love to hear from you and catch up.
Your 4 little ones are adorable and I LOVE your photography. what kind of camera do you have? You are amazing!!! Keep in touch!
I love the embrace, and in fact purchased it in celebration when I got my new job, ecstatic that I can afford to shave now. Sadly, though, the "embrace" part, made of soap or something, melts when the water hits it, so don't keep it by the shower head.
I have one more cartridge left, but prob. can't afford to buy new ones, so I'll have to go back to the cheap disposables, too. Darn.
I work for Venus in Consumer Care and understand the frustration over cost and want to say, I personally think, it's a financially sound investment to get a close shave with as much ease and comfort as you can!
I get that the upfront cost is high, but if you consider the life of the refill razors vs. the disposables, I think you'll find it's a better deal to use the replacements. I know it seems as though it's just plastic and thin metal, but there is much, much more to the razors. There is a great deal of technology and science behind the development of the razors Venus hopes will give you the best shave possible, including the many processes it takes to get the blades so thin.
Also, just want to highlight, the Venus Embrace has 5 blades, whereas the other Venus brands (including the Breeze which has the gel bars) have three blades.
Let me know if you have any product questions, I'd love to be of help!
tammy -- i really don't think 5 blades is better than 3. if it were then why not just make it an even 6?
i haven't changed my blade out for 6 months. no joke. still works, just not as well as it first did. if i were single and dating then maybe i'd consider changing it out.
First of all... everything about this post (from the rant, to the comments, to the Venus employee response) is hysterical.
Secondly, just a random tidbit. My friend was in an MBA program and one of the first things they learned was the "Razor vs Razorblade Model" business strategy.
Here's a quick definition:
A business tactic involving the sale of dependent goods for different prices - one good is sold at a discount, while the second dependent good is sold at a considerably higher price.
So at least you know that you are picking up on this business strategy and stickin it to the man when you decide not to buy the refills. ;) They are taking a loss on the razor (hoping to make it up on the refills).
Hahahhaaa! I can't belieive I actually get to use this knowledge in a blog comment! What a crazy world!!
This is why I don't shave-- smooth legs: who needs 'em? The boys don't seem to, why should I?
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