Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Princess Bride

We don't have cable in our house so our kids watch a lot of movies. One of their most recent favorites being the Princess Bride. So while in Utah, we were walking around the Provo Temple and they wanted to roll down the hill. We thought that was inappropriate, so we walked off the grounds to a big green area that had hills. And ON THEIR OWN, Josie and Annabelle recreated this scene from Princess Bride. Then of course I made them recreated it.

And no matter how many times we tried to coach Josie to say "Oh my sweet Wesley", she always says "Oh my sweet Nestles, what have I done?".

I love my kids. Truly, entertaining at all times.


Crazymamaof6 said...

tears are rolling down my face! that was SOOO GOOD! thanks for sharing the wonder of your kids. they are RAD!

Dave Baxter said...

Tangie & I just had a good 10 min laugh on that one. .... wait hold on make that 20.

Micah and Jen said...

aren't you glad you don't have else would this have happened??? We watch alot of movies too....but nothing this funny has EVER happened between my boys! :)

Snarky Belle said...

Fantastic!! Thanks for the entertainment girls! I think you have futures on Broadway for sure...or in the movies, whichever you prefer.

Cicily said...

I watched this with Gus and all he said was, "crazy."