Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Everyone needs Josie

Everyone needs a Josie in their family.

She puts things on backwards all the time

and she says funny things. On the way to preschool she was singing from Annie:

"The sun will come out tomorrow, put your bottom up until tomorrow"

So if you're having a down day . . . .put your bottom up until tomorrow . .. things will get better.


Micah and Jen said...

We have an Austin.....and he seems to have alot in common with Josie! :) His clothes are always on backwards and he says the funniest stuff....hmmmm....they would have been such good friends! :( She's so cute!

Snarky Belle said...

Oh yeah baby, my bottom is going up until tomorrow! Tell your girl thanks for the tip!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey it's T and I've never commented but I will start. So we love the Juice but can you also tell us about that Robot behind her? I want to hear/see more!