Friday, December 19, 2008


Hy took the other girls Christmas shopping so I had to distract Kizzy so that she wouldn't throw a fit. So we started looking through out iPhoto and this is what I found

I don't think I've posted any of these.

My super rad babysitter doing super rad babysitter stuff


Trying to keep things modest

Who is that? Me with curly hair? Weird

The girls can do any chore --not matter how big or small

Kizzy was riding a horse around the house

They love to make beds out of random stuff

See I told you

Our Halloween Costumes

couldn't leave out a random movie . . now could I?

1 comment:

EG said...

No, Josie...actually, you are not hideous. You are adorable. So adorable, in fact, that I would like to carry you in my pocket where ever I go.