Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dear Hilary

Dear Hilary Rosen (democratic strategist),

Seriously? You said that Mitt Romney's wife, "never worked a day in her life". That makes me want to punch you in the face. She raised 5 boys. Why is it that when a mother stays home to raise her children it's not considered work, but when a mother chooses to work outside the home and hires a nanny-it's called a job? PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE.

xoxo Me

p.s. you need to watch Mona Lisa Smiles and listen to the best line delivered ever by Julia Stiles.


Jenni said...


onehm said...


Anonymous said...

That is ridiculously offensive and uncalled for-- I guess a "nanny" is a job (and "mother" is not), because nannies get paid. Which if anything should tell people more about how hard stay-at-home mom's work. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Here's her response: