Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lovin the Holidays

I just found two things that I thought were great ideas.

First: Hot Glueing the graham crackers for a gingerbread house. I have avoided doing gingerbread houses because I didn't want to deal with making it stick together. THIS GENIUS came up with the idea. I'm totally doing it next year. Brilliant.

And from her blog I linked to THIS IDEA of writing notes in stockings. When the season is over and you are packing up your stuff you write a little note to yourself that will be unveiled next year when the stockings are unpacked. You write hopes for yourself. That sounds super fun. Like a mini version of at time capsule.

And check HERE how to make your own fun tree skirt.


Jenni said...

what smart ideas! I am so going to do the hot glue ginger bread houses!!!

Sheri said...

I always hot glue my gingerbread houses. It makes my kids sad because they can never eat them. Also I want a cup of your cream cheese frosting for Christmas, so I can drink it.