I got the idea for this project from something I saw on
Decor8 months ago. Anytime I have some sort of artsy idea I coax my talented friend Molly into helping me. So we did this for two days. I was going to give it to Hy on Saturday, but he saw the back of it in the Suburban (I thought he wouldn't be in the suburban for a few days). So I took it and set it up and showed it to him. He liked it. He'd better.
Instructions--if you want to copy.
1 gallery wrapped (no visible staples) canvas -mine was 24x36
White Gesso
Black paint or Gesso
Paint brushes
Textured Scrapbook Paper
Computer with cool fonts
2 embroidery floss units (I have no idea what it would be called---thus the word "units")
Crafty friend named
MollyCover your canvas entirely in White Gesso. Then start to tint the Gesso and go back and forth with smooth even strokes. Have your friend Molly do a lot of it because she is good at smooth and even strokes. Let dry. Keep 2 year olds away from it so you don't have to go back and repaint over their fun little paint brush splashes. Sit at friend's computer picking out a million fonts and not deciding really on any of them. Take a week off. Come back. Decide on font. Print onto paper. Make sure to leave spaces in between letters. Cut into squares. To make sure they are not perfectly symmetrical, have your more artistic brained friend do because if not it will make your linear brain hurt and your palms sweat. Cut embroidery floss to desired lengths. Tape one end to back of cut out letters. Tape the other at the top to hold it in place, then glue the other end onto back of canvas. Hang on bedroom wall as symbol of everlasting devotion.