Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I've never done a thankful post, and I've been hearing of so many people who are losing their jobs right now and losing their homes to foreclosure--even super wealthy (I guess not so much now) people. So I thought I'd be thankful for things:

I'm thankful that:

**Hy has a job

**My marriage is working

**My house was clean yesterday

**I have a washing machine a dryer

**My Suburban qualified for a county aid program when it failed emissions and instead of having to pay $700 we only had to pay $150

**The Juice is a happy kid--today we were on the freeway transitioning to another one one of the curvy overpasses and she expressed her delight at how fun the plants and random decorative trees were.

**The Juice is consistent. Every time she puts on her shoes/flipflops, they are on backwards. Seriously, she has a 50% chance of getting them right, but 90% of the time they are wrong. Even Squoosh gets hers right and she's only 1 1/2

**Red will start riding the bus home from school

**Squoosh is showing signs of being ready to potty train. And Red is excited to help her.
(3 kids and no diapers. . . . is that possible?)

**Hy is done with his two tests for a while

**My fridge is full of fresh vegetables and fruit

**We have two vehicles that run

**The Juice is getting better at not rubbing my ear (it drives me nutso)

**My husband feels healthy and looks good

**People have commented on my hair even though it's the same hair cut I've had for a while

**My mother in law watched my kids while I went to a pie class

** I ate four kinds of made from scratch pies

**We've been successfully living for 6 months without TV (We have a Tv, but only for movies)

**I made a killer vegetarian pizza this week

**I have funny friends

**Red is getting to the age where her and I can have inside jokes

**My friend who has a son with Autism just found a way to make it a little bit better--I saw him today and he looked me directly into the eyes--TWICE.

**Although the gym doesn't seem to be working visually, I feel good.

**I just had a very yummy PB&J made with Trader Joe's chunky peanut butter.


Crazymamaof6 said...

EXCELLENT thankful list. glad things are going ok for ya. and whoohoo for pie made from scratch.

Mimi said...

That's great! I love to hear all the positive things going on! I'm assuming I'm one of those funny friends after last night. Good Times!

Anonymous said...


Cooper has the same problem with his shoes, and I always think the same thing, he has a 50/50 chance, how can he get it wrong so often?!?

Micah and Jen said...

Great thankful list! I need to make one of these I am not feeling so "thankful" right now, but I know I will very soon....once the throwing up subsides! :)
PS--I am thankful that I have an awesome husband and DON'T need you to come clean my house!!!!