Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What's that sound????

What's that you hear??? The call of Harry Potter. Why yes it is. As of this post I have 2 hours 49 minutes and 30 seconds. 29. . 28. . 27 . .


Micah and Jen said...

I can't wait!!! She is such a great writer--i am just sad it will be the last Harry book! :( Do you think she will start another series????

Micah and Jen said...

So, I am watching the Today Show and they are having a contest on Harry Potter books--you would totally kick butt!!!!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

I can't wait for HP, you can bet I will be standing in line at 12 to pick mine up friday night!!!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

Wait does that mean you are getting an early copy!!??

little jill said...

NO, that count down was for midnight on Friday.

Tangie Baxter said...

Ummm we need to plan a postpartum HP party or somethin' :) I am soooo excited, I'm so taking a long nap tomorrow so I can stay up all night reading. This is so fun to be part of history! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Ive read each HP at least 6 times... yes, I am a loser, and I read the article that alludes to McG being a spy... it plead a very powerful arguement! Have fun at Bunko!