Monday, February 13, 2012

It's what's underneath

I am voting for MITT.

I hesitate a bit at saying that because politics is so heated and I don't like to debate. I love to say my opinion, but if you give me a face to face debate, I will lose. I am not a quick thinker. I do find myself witty and clever, but I turn more to sarcasm than I do facts and figures. And usually people who want to debate, want to debate to hear themselves talk--not to actually listen to what I have to say. So I can put it on my blog--and you can add your opinion to my comments, absolutely. But I don't have to debate. Because mostly by the end if you are debating me--I just end up thinking you are an a-hole.

I don't like politicians.

I don't like Politics. I don't like politicians. I don't like what it does to people. And really--when they debate are any of them actually saying what you think they really want to say? NO. They are saying general statements and trying to balance positions so they can get elected. And that will never change. It's ugly.

Mitt is a politician.

Don't think I'm going to say he's not one. He is. They all are. I also like Ron Paul--but he is also a politician. I think he has the best ideas, but I don't think the American public would ever go for that--because the majority are . . . well .. . idiots. And they would prefer America borrow until we go belly up so that no one gets their feelings hurt.

It's not because he's Mormon.

I'm not voting for him because he's Mormon. Although I have to say it has some influence on me. Why? Because I know that being Mormon, he believes that America is a choice nation--divinely destined to be so (it's in the Book of Mormon). That as long as it's people turn to God it will be protected. I also know that every morning and every night that man will get on his knees and pray that he may be guided to make the right decisions. That matters. He may not make the right decisions, but at least he's pleading for help from God--the only being who could actually do something.

It IS because he's a business man

I don't want someone who studied political science. I don't want someone who has book knowledge and not practical knowledge. I want a businessman. I want someone who is going to turn our business around. America is a business--face it. Someone who will assemble a team of "executives" who can look at our books, cut what needs to be cut, fix what needs to be fixed, and focus on what is going well--and make it better. It won't be pretty. I want someone will face the ugly--and force some change.

So behind the ugly politician, behind the Mormon, behind the bruhaahaa is a man--a man who did this:

In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a party in New York City and gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was.

Romney and the other parnters closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend’s missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Coopers put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could .... prostitutes, drug addicts – anyone.

That day, their hunt made the evening news, which featured photos of the girl and the Bain employees searching for her. As a result, a teenage boy phoned in, asked if there was a reward, and then hung up abruptly. The NYPD traced the call to a home in New Jersey,They found the girl in the basement, shivering and experiencing withdrawal symptoms from a massive ecstasy dose. Doctors later said the girl might not have survived another day. Romney's former partner credits Mitt Romney with saving his daughter’s life, “It was the most amazing thing, and I’ll never forget this to the day I die.”

Don't believe me? I got it from Snopes. The entire article is worth reading.

THAT is a man I want for President.


Jenni said...

um, you just wrote EVERYTHING I have been thinking lately! I read that article just the other day and shared it via FB cause it really hit me hard. Of what kind of man he is....under all that political crap that goes on. ANd THAT is one reason I will be voting for him as well. There are lots of reason why I would vote for him...but that story sealed the deal. Great blog post! :)

Tiffany said...

I had already decided to vote for him. But that story is amazing! Totally solidified my choice. And I completely agree with your reasons!!