Monday, October 11, 2010

I"m mean

My mom is mean. Ask my friends. And my brothers and sisters. And my husband (he is scared of her). And I am too.
I've never said "no" to my mom. That wasn't allowed. She told you to something ONCE.
I am way too soft compared to her. I need to mean up more. However I still often hear the words, "You're a MEAN mom!"
And I delight in hearing that.
Mostly because I grew up with this poem on my mom's wall:

How To Be A Mean Mother

A mean mother never allows candy or sweets to take the place of a well-balanced meal.

A mean mother insists on knowing where her children are at all times, who their friends are and what they do.

A mean mother breaks the Child Labor Law by making her children work--washing dishes, making beds, learning to cook and doing other cruel and unpleasant chores.

A mean mother makes life ;miserable for her offspring by insisting that they always tell the truth.

A mean mother produces teenagers who are wiser and more sensible.

a mean mother can smile with secret delight and pride when she hears her own grandchildren call their parents "mean".

What the world needs now are more Mean Mothers . .. and Fathers.

My mother is mean. And she's a GOOD mother. And I hope my son in law is as scared of me as Hyrum is of her.

Love you mom.


Jenni said...

You are so funny! I never thought of your mom as mean....because mine was the same way....and deep down I knew there was a "soft" side! But not when it came to serious stuff. I wish the world could be allowed to have more "mean" moms! When we were only told once....and that was it! No arguing, no back-talking, no nothing! Because we KNEW better than to do those things.....ah, the simple days!

Anonymous said...

You're still not mean enough if they feel comfortable telling you you're mean to your face! ;) haha!!

Mandie said...

My mom used to tell us "I went to mean mommy school and graduated top of my class!" I take pride in the fact that I tell my kids the same thing.

Nicole said...

Amen! We do need more "mean" parents. Love it