Dave Ramsey
He's been in my (our) lives since 2001 or so. It has been FANTASTIC. He's a financial guy. I know what you're thinking, blah blah blah--I don't want to listen to that crap. But you should, and here's why:
1) It's about Financial Peace. Everyone needs that.
2) He's successful--and his followers are too
3) It's all about getting out of debt, staying out of debt, and feeling secure
4) His plan works
5) He is partially responsible for us being able to survive on so little but having so much
6) (This applies if you are Mormon) His financial plan is SO close to the church's. It is just more in depth and specific.
7) He didn't go to school for this and learn by theory. He learned by a horrible crap experience. So he knows.
8) Just starting his plan, makes you feel better
9) It helps your marriage (reason alone)
10) He's offering a FREE lesson
Hyrum and I went to his LIVE event back in 2001. That is where we learned to have a zero based budget (you allocate ALL and I mean ALL of your income to somewhere), live on a cash only budget (except for bills--we do that online) and how to be frugal and fine with it. I can tell you were EVERY cent that come into our house goes. Seriously, just ask me. At least categorically. And can I tell you how easy it is to balance a checkbook when the only debits on your account are bills. So easy. And using cash is the ONLY way to go. Seriously. It really makes you think about your purchases. Anyhoodles. He has a radio show and a podcast, and books, and local classes (which I am so excited to start in January) and a live event.
Seriously people. At least sign up for the free lesson. And go. Do it right now--I believe it's for the week of April 5th. If you do this, it could change your life. For reals.
I CANNOT wait for the day that I can call into his radio show on a Friday and yell "I'm debt FREEEEEEE"
Ok. I must speak up!
We first took the FPU classes about 6 years ago. And dang. We WORKED our way through his steps to become debt free and to be able to account for all of our money spent.
Six years later, we are debt free and doing great. We re-enrolled in the class a few weeks ago for a refresher. It's so nice this time around to start the class in the "Weatlh Building" phase rather than the buried in debt phase.
I totally recommend it. TOTALLY. And you are right. The peace it brings to marriage is worth it alone. :)
We've considered using cash instead of debit cards and I'm wondering what you do about gas and online purchases??
Dude, I loooove Dave Ramsey! He makes the stupidest, most wonderful jokes!
Also, staying out of debt, staying away from credit cards, avoiding the consumerist trap... I think that's advice everyone can and should follow.
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