Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kids Say

Red and The Juice were trying to decide on a name for one of their dolls.

They would go back and forth with ideas:

"Bon?" "Jara?" "Sniffy?" "Kama?" etc. etc.

Then Red said:

"How about Toot?---as in---Toot in your face."

(Um what? As in Toot in your face? I'm great at manners)

Then yesterday we went to Mi Amigos and they were crawling under the table, and not eating their food. Squoosh ran from me in the parking lot twice--and my pregnant body had to run after her while she laughed. GRRR

So we got home and they wouldn't come in the house they would wander around as I kept telling them to come in, ---they totally know that I empty threat when I'm pregnant and I can't do much about it. So they finally make it into the house and I"m tired and beyond pissed so I sternly tell them:

"Don't ask for treats or snacks or anything---you don't deserve it. You are all being disobedient and sassy and I'm done with you. I'm so angry right now--stay away."

The juice from afar off says "We love you miss Hannigan"

I should have been pissed at that but she's 4--and that is super quick and funny. That actually calmed me down a bit. That kid is funny.


Crazymamaof6 said...

love when they are so funny! i often feel like miss hannigan. hate that prego tired feeling. better you than me.

hope you got a little rest after that.

AND love the name toot. my little sister is fondly called Toot by me. we even have a song about it. but not toot in your face, it's "toot lick" like the song toot sweet on chitty chitty bang bang. i still call her toot. she is 30 with 4.5 kids. i am a rad sister.

MaMaMaMandy said...

Oh my gosh I just about peeded myself- that little girl is so funny- and that can be a scary thing! HAHA- already quoting movie lines that she sees applying to her life is a spectacular thing for a 4 yr old (not to say you are in fact like Miss Hanigan!) That is too funny!