Monday, December 12, 2011

For those who are waiting

For those of you who are waiting--I wanted to share this.

This is our new TV. This is the first one we've purchased in our entire marriage. It's the first one I've purchased in my life--I am 36. We've always had hand me downs--and when we upgraded--it was because we got a new hand me down.

We have a lot of stuff like that--like our mattress. We've never had a new mattress, it was always given to us from someone. And now that I say that outloud it seems gross--but we were very particular I assure you.

And it's hard to watch your friends get cool stuff--even just normal stuff like mattresses, and to not be able to get one yourself.

Hyrum worked extra shifts to buy this--and he's wanted one for years---YEARS. But we work hard to not be frivilous with our money. Many a person has helped us out here and there financially, or with service and we could never justify purchasing something that seems to me extravagant as it would be a slap in the face. Until now. We actually have money in the bank--and that is beyond amazing. We paid cash for this. And it didn't come out of any budget allotted for anything else--it was a special purchase.

And it feels good to be able to do it.

So for those who are waiting--in neverending school, or with a new baby, or in that apartment that is too small and in a sketchy area--your time will come. When the time comes you may be in your mid thirties and buying something that seems to be a big deal to you--when it means so little to others. But it will feel good--real good.

To me things are always better when you have to sacrifice--and wait.

Besides--it makes for a great story.

Post Script: As I was reading my entry after I posted it I noticed my hilarious picture. Is that rabbit ears on top of my band new TV??---why yes it is. We are frivilous enough to buy a new TV--but not enough to pay for Cable. Bahhaaa! You can take the girl out of the ghetto but can't take the ghetto out of the girl.


Jenni said...

right there with ya girl! Bunny ears and everything! :) No cable for this house...and we only got a new TV cause we didn't have any hand-me-downs available...and sat in line at Wal-mart for HOURS to get in on black friday!!! feels good to be able to get something that means so little to so many....and to pay CASH for it! :)

Nicole said...

Way to go!!! I keep waiting for our time -- I'm sure it will come but we will be in our mid-forties.

Anonymous said...

I love the rabbit ears! Congratulations on a big deal, saving up for it, brand new TV. :)

I do actually know the feeling as this year was the first year I could buy Ken an extravagant gift out of my photography money. It was saved up and worked hard for and while I could've bought myself something practical like a lens.... I didn't. I can't wait for Christmas morning when he opens it.

Way to be awesome Jill & Hyrum!!

Jeni Everett said...

We have yet to buy a new TV for our family as well. All of our TV's had been hand me downs. Actually, the first TV we had Tom won on Hollywood squares! I am so happy for you and your new purchase. Oh, and only the cool families have rabbit ears pocking out from their TV!!!!

Rachel Cunningham said...

Speaking of mattresses...

My water has broken 3 times (all in the middle of the night while I was sleeping) on our 15 year old mattress. How gross is that? Not to mention the puke and pee that the kids have added to it while sleeping in our bed. I try not to think about it. Anyway...

Congrats on the new TV!! We have never had cable and I don't even want it except I really want the food channel. I wish you could order channels a la carte.