So what did y'all think? I admit--I am a huge fan of High School Musical -the original. My girls love it and so do I. I got it from Santa in my stocking last Christmas. Truth. So I was all stoked to watch HSM2, but I assumed it wouldn't be as good. Things rarely are. I didn't get to see it on Friday because we had a super fun Yoga Bunko. But today I got to see it at Darcy's (she tivo'd it). This is what I thought: The songs were made for radio disney play--not for the musical. The music was all digital and enhanced. I didn't like that. I liked a lot of the songs-pretty catchy, but I hate how they had made them. Hy or someone pointed out that it sounded like they made a cd first and then made a movie to match the cd. Stinks though--I liked the story line of the movie. I did like a lot of it, it took my back to high school days--just like the first one did (I am one of those rare people who had a fabulously fun high school experience). But I have to say the cheesiest and worst song/choreography of the whole thing is when "Troy" did his whole instrospective song and did weird leaps and hand gestures as he traversed across the Golf course. All time cheesiest part---the singing reflection in the water---WHAT???? I feel bad for the person who thought that was a good idea. So I'm giving it about a 6 out of 10. Entertaining, but nothing like the original. They should have stuck to making it a musical and not a cd. What about you????
Told you I was uncool. But I'm woman enought to own it

i haven't seen it yet! it is tivo'd downstairs so maybe after i overhaul the vortex i can watch it! can't wait to see what you are talking about! but yeah leaping? reflections? retarded! sadly i love radio disney and most disney channel movies! i get sucked in. i am a fan of a good musical even more! ahhhhh! thanks for the review! i might even have to watch it while i clean. it might give me an incentive to go down there.
We tivo'd it to. I have not heard such great reviews but the kids will proboably still love it. I will probably not sit through it.
I had no idea how many of my friends are die hard HSM fans.
I'll report once I have seen it.
I totally agree with you. THe songs, the Troy thing, everything... AT least he looked dang cute in the show! I think the thing that annoyed me the most was Kelsey and her hats. I mean if they were cute or something I could understand, but they weren't that cute!
i have to admit watching the parts that i saw made me embarrassed for the people actually performing. not my favorite hsm.
I totally agree with your comments. Of course my girls were super stoked to watch it and I too couldn't wait for HSM2. However, I hated the digitally enhanced vocals, (I'm really picky about that) and the water reflection was too much. It was, however, a cute story line. I think my biggest gripe about both movies is all the fake laughing and giggling. Gabriella is the worst at it. I do love both of the movies and I'm sure I will own HSM2 right along with the first one. I love your new hair by the way!!
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