It's Photobooth Tuesday. The day I showcase one of Red's works of art. I found these the other day and couldn't stop laughing. She usually is making funny faces in her shots. However she was expressing her artistic prowess by venturing into hand modeling. What is that she's holding???? you ask . .. . I have no idea. It's just funny.
Oh and if you're seeing this as a fresh post, you're listening to Informer by Snow. My new favorite channel on my in-law's super cable network is the '90's channel. It's all the stuff I grew up with--and enjoyed. . . yes enjoyed. So for some of you, you may be repulsed by the selection, for others--it will probably bring back a sweet memory.
You know what's going to be great???? When, pretty soon, these photobooth pictures will have a fabulously new background in our new office. I am biting my nails in anticipation!!!!!!!!!!
she is just the coolest kid, period.
I guess I must be part of your uncool club, because I totally love that Informer song! It's been years since I've heard it.
I stumbled across your blog the other day and enjoy it very much!
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