I have been biting my lip not slipping up in my posts. My goal was to wait until the loan cleared, but that might not be for a week or so and I couldn't stand it anymore. As my friends know, this has been a long desired thing. No more condo living, no more in-law living. I will have 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a BACKYARD!!! Oh and don't forget a GARAGE! Some of you may wonder why I am so excited about the basics. Living with 3 kids in a 2 bedroom upstairs condo is not fun. My girls can run and not be stopped because of downstairs neighbors, and I can send them out back to play when I'm cleaning the house. I can babysit other people's kids finally!!!! I seriously have been so giddy since this happened. It happened rather quickly. Last Monday we weren't even looking for a house because we thought we couldn't ever afford one. Then we figured out a way and realized that if we don't buy now, we can't once Hy changes jobs (another story). So we went looking for houses on Tuesday, and thought we had found one we liked and were seriously considering putting in an offer. Then that night the bishopric member came over and extended us a calling to the Nursery (I had just been released from Primary President in January and had been substituting in the Primary pretty much from then on). One of his points was "and it's great because you have a child in nursery". So Hy and I walked him to the door and once it was shut, he looked at me and I looked at him and we said--"we're moving". We think Heavenly Father has a sense of humor too and that the nursery calling was his funny way of telling us to move out of Hy's parents house. So anyway, we got a good deal on this house. It has super tacky curvy tile (I know, I know where did they purchase it--I have no idea) and the bathrooms and kitchen are original. So since we got such a good deal, we kept some cash out to redo. So we're pulling up the floor and tearing out the bathroom and pulling down the kitchen cabinets. So I have been spending lots of time building my IKEA kitchen (this will be the second one I've built--I absolutely loved my first). We will be hiring out the floors. So I've been researching new appliances and such. Very exciting. This picture is not of our house, but actually my friend's house who lives two streets up. It is the same style, but ours has a lame paint job. That too will be changed after a while. Anyhow--so excited!!! Oh-and if anyone has any reccomendations for flooring people, or drywall people or any kind of people--let me know!!
I haven't even read the post yet but isn't that darcy's house? What's up? crazyness! Are you all just gonna live together? That is sooo great! Party time!!!
whoohoo! very exciting! i am thinking my sister lives in that neighborhood. and yeah switch schools! so it'll be conveniently located to your new house! and yeah we are cruising the outdated tile, and it kind of kills me but patience is a virtue right?! maybe i need to start playing the lottery! congrats, and good call on dodging that nursery bullet!
So I checked my email first and got your "breaking news" and first thought--another baby! I was soooooooooooo super excited when I got on your blog and saw a HOUSE!!!!! Not that a baby wouldn't be great--but I KNOW how much you have longed for a house--with a BACKYARD! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you and HY! How wonderful and you guys totally deserve it! Is it out in the sticks or still close to the city? Hopefully someday I will come down to visit again and then I can come and see it! Again--totally happy for you guys! congrats and have fun remodeling--it's actaully not that bad and fun to see how things change to what you want--well, you know you did your condo--and what better than to have IKEA there now? Have loads of fun!
PS--does this mean Hy gets his beagles now?????
I still am so happy for you guys! And especially excited that you are in such a good place emotionally right now. It makes your friends happy to see you so happy...
Glad you are staying in AZ! We would have really missed you. (And of couse, now I can still hire you for more pictures.)
I am so happy for you! Can't wait to see the actual pictures of the house. It is going to be so great for your family to have your own space. Congrats!
So where is this house? Is that Darcy's house in the picture? I kept wondering, if you were buying her house, but I know she doesn't have curvy tiles :) 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a backyard, that is sweet. When does the purchase go down? Let me know if you need help with anything.
Yes this it is a picture of Darcy's house. We moved into the same neighborhood so the house looks very similar (didn't you all read my post?) We should close the 15th but we want to get all the remodeling done before we move in. Thanks for the offers to help--I will take every last one of you up on them.
Hoo-Ray for Jill!!!!! I am so super excited for you, you guys deserve it. And the best news for all your friends... you will be close! Can't wait to see the house, I want a tour... ugly tile and all! No doubt you will make it so cute.
I did a little dance for you when I found out, congratulations!
Sorry, I was blog skimming and missed pertinent details. I like that neighborhood, fun!
i found you again through another blog... congratulations! such exciting news!!
Huzzahh! Congratulations Jill! How absolutely fabulous!
wow congrats Jill. We did the whole renovation thing.. well 3 yrs later we still are. BUt it's sooo worth it. Justin did it all. so no recommendations, just have fun! he-he Love the new blog too!
That is so great! I've been living with family while we build our first house and I'm pumped! It's so great to finally own a house and be able to paint and decorate how you want!
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