Do you know that part on Master and Commander where the Doctor gets shot and Russell Crowe had to pull the bullet out of his stomach making sure to get every piece of the shirt so that nothing is left behind to cause infection?
Well I did that today---but on a lesser---much lesser--level. I went to our house that is under construction and walked around while a nice man measured for carpet and tile. As I was walking I felt a sharp pain in the bottom of my foot. I lifted up my foot and pulled off a piece of drywall that had a nail through it that had pierced my flip flops and entered my foot

CRAP--now I have to get a tetnus shot . . .or do I???
So I came home and cleaned it off with alcohol and noticed something black inside it. I assumed it was a piece of dirt or house or something. So I tried to get it out with a cleaned off safety pin--to no avail.
So I left it alone, until tonight. I took a bath and softened it up and hoped it was dirt that would just clean out. NOPE. So I found a sewing kit I keep in my car (Thanks Cami) and I got the needle out if it.
I cleaned it off with alcohol and went to work. I saw the black thing in there and I patiently poked away until
YEEEESSS!!!! I got it. It was a tiny piece of my flip flop.
So I'm guessing now that I will not lose my foot to infection, and I may not now go to get a tentus shot--I'll gamble on that one, and then I'll see if they are casting for Master and Commander 2.
Ouch! Glad the sewing kit came in handy! You are really getting some good use out of that emergency kit. Did you decide on tile or wood?
ouch! that sucks and ewwe sick! on the chunk of flip flop you had to dig out! not really eww sick but super lame and uncomfortable. but I'd rather dig it out then let anyone else do it for me. your are a rock star at digging out foam! and you are moving right alone on the flooring at your new house ! very exciting!
I can't believe you dug it out, I am such a wuss I would have died. Way to go Amazon woman!!!
you really should get a tetanus shot. this lady i used to work with fell into a chain link fence and scraped her hand (her dad who is a dr was adament that she get a tetanus shot) now that was just a chain link fence. a nail in the foot, ummm, ya better safe than sorry i always say.
You are soooooo brave! Awesome on the surgery, girl! DH loves to do stuff like that.
Tetnus shot--have many scary stories about NOT getting one and then having a poison streak run up the leg and almost die...you really should get one! And way to go on getting that flip-flop piece out--you know I would have passed out! :)
Very brave!! I am a baby when it comes to possibly inflicting pain on myself.
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