Home Sweet home. This IS our house. You can't really see it and that is why I posted a picture of my friend's house instead. Their house is what ours will look like someday, after we get this lame paint job painted over. We also need to get the tree trimmed. We'll keep the desert front, that way I don't have to worry about watering it. We do have grass in the back which is what matters. Hy already tore up most of the inside. We're now getting bids for flooring--carpet and wood. Does ANYONE have any suggestions? Recommendations? Even people who never have commented before. Ideally I would like wood throughout but we can't afford it. We had a crap laminate in our other house--I loved the look, but it wasn't very sturdy. So I would like a step up from that. Does anyone have anything they hate??? Love??? Who installed it?? Etc. Etc. Any tips or advice??? Help soon-I want to move in!
CONGRATS! I would love to have had wood put in over here, but DH wouldn't have it. And so we did ceramic tile and it is super resistant to all things kid. What I do have to say, is that the guys who laid it floated the floor first, and then butted the tiles up really close together, so there would be very little grout line. (think how they lay travertine) Anyways, I LOVE IT! The grout is what gets all nasty and yucky, so that has been eliminated.
While the guys who did our job were great, we did have a few problems and I don't know that they could get it done in a very timely manner. But they do good work. So if you decide to go that route, give me a call and I can give you his #...
Good luck!
BTW--are you taking lots of "before's"???
Was the Dilley not a reasonable price? I have to say, if we didn't have wood, I would do commercial style carpet or flooring. You should seriously come and talk to my neighbor, he is totally your style and he's a professional decorator that knows all the places to go for a good deal.
My brother does floors . Wood, tile, and other options. He also is a great painter. I do not know the name of his business. I think he is pretty reasonable. I love his work. He is a perfectionist. He does all my work. I love before and afters. I can not wait to see them. If you want to contact my Brother let me kow I will get you the info:):)
i love the look of wood and laminate too but the upkeep kills me and always ends up looking crappy in my house, too many spills and wet things by too many kids around. we got some really great vinyl planking from Home Depot that looks like wood. my husband who did flooring for 14 years thinks it is fabulous, cheap , looks great! and stands up to water great & goes over big cracks with out any prep. we just put ours in , in May . and it is in basement bedrooms.the vinyl planking is a floating floor, and is textured and looks better than the laminate in the room next to it.
someday we are getting tile that looks like wood on the main floor. it is generally special order and runs about $3.50 a foot plus install and all that goes with it. not the cheap route. but same look and more sturdy than wood.
i'd refer you to someone but they suck and don't return calls. and i have my own personal flooring guy here. good luck!
very exciting!
Check out Lumber Liquidators. They have solid oak flooring that is unfinshed for .99 a square foot. You will have to sand and stain your floor after it is installed, but the hard oak floor will last you a long time.
Oh I am SOOOOO excited for you guys! I liked wood floors--but hate them all at the same time. Love the look, hate the upkeep. Right now I have all wood floors again but we are going to lay carpet in the living room and hallway--but our floors are nasty--from 1932 and never taken care of! Well, I hope you get to move in soon--I can't wait to see more pictures--even if they are the "before" ones and then we can appreciate your artistic abilities all the more when the are the "after" ones! :)
AWESOME! I am so excited for you guys. Congrats!
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