The girls playroom--MAYBE

The girl's bedroom (the aqua)

The middle one is what I want for our bedroom

I don't know if I'd ever do this--but I l-o-v-e it

If you're gonna go--GO BIG!
I was shopping at Trader Joes and a young twenty something store employee stopped me, "Mam", she said, (Mam?? is she really talking to me? mam??) "where did you get your cardigan?" (now that's more like it) "LOFT" I answer. And she stares blankly--"you know, Ann Taylor's LOFT?" Still blank. So I instruct her where to find a store, and move along. So I have found my niche-my choice of caridigan color-still cool, my choice of store to purchase it at--only cool to those of us "Mams".
So excited about your new house. How fun!!!!! I am a tiny bit afraid of color because I get tied of things fast and sometimes i just do not know how to pull it off right.
I can totally see all of these colors in your house! I love that you aren't afraid of neither! I loved your orange bedroom when we first creative! Can't wait to see what you do with YOUR NEW HOUSE! Oh, and I LOVE that your house is so not AZ looking--no stucko or tile roof! Can't wait to see it! :)
All those colors sound so fun. I always end up with nuterals, maybe I am afraid. Aqua with those cool pictures from etsy will look so good in your girls room. Exciting!
WOW! Your house will look awesome...I was watching a decorating show and they said never paint your bedroom blue though... decreases the desire for know...
Which begs the question, what is the color that INCREASES your desire???
Great color choices. I am so excited. You have to take lots of before pics so we can see the AMAZING changes!
Very fun! I love color! You go with your bad self!
hey, i snuck on over here from liz's blog. i love those colors. my last apt was tangerine orange and now my living room is aqua blue and my kitchen is bicycle yellow. it brightens up the gray of seattle.
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