Circa 1989
A couple of my pictures duked it out for todays post, but this one won. It beat out my eighth grade graduation picture. Oh, don't worry, you'll see it someday.
Wow--eighth grade. Ok--perm, dark makeup, layered buttoned up shirts? cold sore (I have one in almost every picture of my childhood) PERM, MMMMM bangs, and you can't see but my sides are flared out. You know, when you take a brush and hold your sides out and hair spray and then blow it dry. I really hope that comes back in, because it was great.
Oh and this is a picture of my best friend with her hair caught in the zipper at Girls Camp. I think she did it two years in a row--I'm still laughing about it.
That's what she gets for never reading my blog. Her name was Lisa Rogers--now it's Lisa Mattison. I have many more funny pictures of her. HMMM maybe it can be Lisa funny photo Fridays.

Seriously, who is this person you keep uploading pictures of? I would swear it is not you! It's crazy how good you are at creating "A look" Every picture is different!
I had a hard time believing that one was you! I never would have pegged you as a perm girl. I looked the exact same in 8th grade! Too spooky!
was your 8th grade boyfriend a member of the crips or bloods?
That is so not you! Such a cameleon! It cracks me up though! I can't wait to see what's next!
I might have just peed my pants a little laughing so hard. I love that picture.
Thats the best! I gotta show you some of Jennie and I in seventh grade, they are hilarious...that doesn't even look like Lisa. The one of you and Lisa where you said she has all denim on doesn't show up on my computer?
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