Does anyone know who this is??????

I took this last week. I brushed my teeth at 8:30 so I wouldn't eat anything afterwards. Trying to curb my sweets intake. Around 10pm or so I got hungry, but vowed not to get a snack. Then i stayed up until 2:30 a.m. checking out photography websites. I finally fell. This is what my 2a.m. snack was.
OH and YES . ... that is Kelly Clarkson singing GNR. What the crap?
does 3 snacks at once equal a full meal? or is it still just a snack?
and that's ben.
Isn't that Lenore's husband? I know it's terrible I don't know his name, but I've never actually met him, just seen him from a distance...
I love the whole brushing your teeth thing! Classic.
so glad I am not the only one out there that falls to the sweet snack/then salt snack attack at night! I so need to stop....but it's so hard with all the candy in the house right now! Let me know if you think of something to stop it! :)
I had to look at least three times, but I'm guessing Ben too. It is sooo not him though!
You know about my late night eating...
...iChat tells all.
I am guessing Ben, but only becasue it looks like Lenor next to him! I am in trouble with all the sweets around here too. Can't stop. One good thing about being prego, so no one can tell :)
That's totally ben! I've tried the brushing your teeth thing but it usually never works for me.
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