So of course, Super fun and cool Cicily, got us going on a Photo Scavenger Hunt. Holy cow, haven't done one since mutual. Her list was great, I was going to have her e-mail it to me, but I haven't yet so I'll just post the ones I know. We split up into 3 groups and had 1 hour to get back with our list. It was hi-lar-i-ous. Try to explain to random strangers why a group of thirty-something (and some younger) moms are trying to squish into a Target shopping cart. Here is our groups interpretation of the list. The only other blogger in this group is Ashley.
#7 Recreate a piece of Modern Art.
(It's actually the Target symbol because we were originally going to use it for another list item)

#9 I don't believe we all fit in that!

#12 Group with a person in uniform

#4 A team member making a phone call in a phone booth.

#15 Entire team sharing a soda.
#19 A catalog pose

#13 Perspective. Must involve team members

#17 Spell something with your bodies
I am so jealous....I soooo miss this group of girls, and how stinkin' fun to do this! You guys really do rock and I love still getting to see it all! :) Thanks for sharing!
that is hilarious!!!! Looks like you had a blast!
I AGREE! You and your camera rock as well!!!
I have yet to find friends cooler than all of you!!! Looks like a blast.
wow that looked like a super cool good time! way creative and fun!
You guys are crazy. I'm glad you posted those, I couldn't really see them. BTW, I have that book, if you want to borrow it.
The security guard is really cute! It was a great evening!
Scavenger hunts are always a good be a Mia Maid again!
that is so funny! i would've loved to see the faces of the people walking by trying to figure out what the heck you all were doing.
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