I am a proud mama. The squoosh finally figured out how to crawl out of her crib. When Red was 9 or 10 months, she showed up downstairs when she should have been taking a nap. So we took her upstairs and put her in her crib and watched from behind a wall. Sure enough she monkeyed over the edge, dropped down and crawled down the stairs. She couldn't even walk yet.
The Juice climbed out at about a year or so.
The squoosh just couldn't do it. We thought it was because she has more junk her trunk than the others. The others have no junk. For the last few months she would balance on the corner with her arms on the long side of the crib, and her ankles on the edge of the short side. She would just hover there, but didn't quite make the next step. Then tonight she was supposed to be in her crib and she kept showing up in the office where I was working. I though Hy got her out. Nope. SHE DID IT!! She finally did it.
So proud.
but then again . .
Crap---naps are a new battle.
So sweet, Jill.
Sophie lives with you now? Seriously those two could be twins.
oy! am never thrilled at that. like them to stay where I put them.
owen can't even do that yet.
none of mine ever figured out how to crawl out....i had to MOVE them out into a big boy bed because another baby took it over or we didn't have room for the crib. I guess we'll see if this new little guy got the monkey gene! your little girl is soooo stinkin' cute....love all her hair! gorgeous!
wow, your girls are little monkeys! ava hasn't even considered climbing out as a possibility.
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