Circa 1994
Auh---come on. Nobody wants to admit it, but we all did it. Legit. Birks and socks.
I'm not sure which is more embarassing. My birks, or my best friend being covered head to toe in denim
Kelly Clarkson singing GNR-----that rocks
I was shopping at Trader Joes and a young twenty something store employee stopped me, "Mam", she said, (Mam?? is she really talking to me? mam??) "where did you get your cardigan?" (now that's more like it) "LOFT" I answer. And she stares blankly--"you know, Ann Taylor's LOFT?" Still blank. So I instruct her where to find a store, and move along. So I have found my niche-my choice of caridigan color-still cool, my choice of store to purchase it at--only cool to those of us "Mams".
you're on the ball today. i didn't think i'd get to see this post until midnight.
loving the birks and socks. so funny. (at least it's not tevas...or is that next wed?)
Head to toe in denim. I am dying!!! I love your What was I thinking?
since i'm the baby of 6 and wanted my brother and sisters to hang out with me, i think i rocked the head to toe denim AND socks and birkenstocks...i just wanted to be cool!!! (also, most of the time it was their clothes i stole..making me look like a sack of denim with a braided belt in between...at least the leather matched my shoes!)
i love it!
I want to know if Lisa is rocking the head to toe denim AND the birks with socks.
Not gonna lie, I kind of like the birks with socks look. I would do that one again.
never did the birks with socks thankfully! maybe it is because i don't do socks. i went with birks and cold toes. all winter long. but love birks! still!
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