Just thought for some reason i'd let you all know what's up in our house.
1. Baby Kizz is no longer sad dog. She was for about 2 days because she got 6 shots. Yes 6. Saddest thing ever. She's ok now--happy and sweet.
2. My house is a wreck, and I don't care enough to clean it. Although tomorrow I might.
3. I got some editing done on photos I did in um . . . . September I think. yeah---I'm a bit behind.
4. I should be editing more right now but as you can see--i'm blogging.
5. After I'm done with this blog, I'm going to find a new song for it--and procrastinate editing again.
6. I plan on staying up late to edit photos. Ashley or Molly if you're up---let's ichat.
7. I just made cute post-it-notes across my desktop. A different color for each day of the week and they are all to do lists in cute red writing.
8. I bought a new cd label program and plan on installing it. I may update you later about how it went-----or maybe I won't. It depends on if I'm still avoiding editing.
9. OOOHHH--my Eliza mag came. Love it--can't stop reading it.
10. We got our super cute shirts for the JDRF Walk. If you don't know what that is--then scroll down and find my post about Noelle
11. I'm thinking about transfering all of my blogs over to Firefox--if anyone knows how to sync bookmarks between Safari and Firefox--let me know
12. OK, enough procrastination--I think I'll go edit now. Check my photo blog later, I may have a photo shoot up that I did of the girls. I wanted to try out their pink wall
13. Now I'm off to find some more uncool music for this post.
14. NO really, I'm going now.
15. NO, NOW