So what do you think?

or This:

What sucks is that my house is an ugly brown color and needs painting, but that won't happen for a few years, we have to wait until Hy's done with school for the funding.
I want to put either of these on my front door. I REALLY want a HELLO, but I really need the No Soliciting, my neighborhood is full of unwanted knockers.
And what color?
sorry its UGLY:(
WOW! Sad that people can't say who they really are because they left a not so nice message....hmmm, wonder who could be stalking you! Anyhow, I think the Hello one is awesome and TOTALLY fits your personality....if the person who left that comment knew you at all they would know that. I think a bright green, or the red, but I don't know what the outside of your house looks like!
Okay, so here is my thoughts on the vinyl. Super cute, totally something I would love....but I think it would have to be on a certain type of door on a certain type of house to get the recognition for being cool. Old country type house with an awesome green lawn, cool. Downtown loft cool. Could be cool on the inside of a house though, especially your house.
I think you could do the no soliciting one, it seems fairly universal.
LOL! I promise that was not me! There's nothing wrong with giving an opinion. Jill isn't crying at home because someone thinks house stickers are fugly.
That's what I like about you Jill, no cry baby stuff.
I once told Jill her butt looked weird in a pair of jeans, because she asked. She didn't pout or get her feelings hurt. She bought them anyway because SHE liked them and that's all that matters.
She asked for thoughts about the Vinyl because she wanted them. It's cool that Anon had the guts to be honest. No one likes a kiss ass. Say what you think.
My opinion, I don't like stickers on doors, bunk beds or children. And I despise bumper stickers on cars.
I like those. But my front door is not only cheesy but not in good condition. I do not want to draw attention to it.
Sometimes "no soliciting" can look unfriendly, and I love the "Hello". When in doubt, go for the more welcoming option.
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