OK, while at BYU, I saw this poster on one of the message boards in the bookstore.
I have a HUGE beef when girls wear these tights to church with really short dresses. Actually I don't like it when ANYONE wears these to church at all. It all goes back to my mother's strict dress code of what is proper for church and what is not. I tell you, my mother would NEVER in a million years let me wear these to church. And if I did so, she probably would have destroyed them so I couldn't wear them . . . ever.
I think it's too casual. It's not Sunday best.
So I was shocked to see this poster, because it seems to me that they are saying that it is proper.
I know other people think it's no big deal.
But for me . . .
It bugs
What are your thoughts?
They're just UGLY. :(
Way too casual. When I was in YW in drove me crazy...but the girls are coming to church with their parents, so what can I say? It KILLED me when one of the YW LEADERS did it...but there's set rule...so I didn't say anything.
personally, I don't see the problem. I understand the no flip-flops thing, AND when the tights are worn under a too-short dress; however, I don't think they merrit blanket condemnation.
There are WAY bigger issues to worry about that that...they are not my favorite but I think as a parent and a leader we have to choose our battles, and this is one battle that isn't worth it:0)
Stupid, unless your under 6 years old.
I am soooo glad you made this post. It drives me nuts when I see these....I think it's just like wearing stretch pants to church??? I actually saw someone at the temple with them on and really wanted to say something to them, but didn't. Way too casual, agreed! And the worst is when you see adult women wearing them, not okay!
I like how you've let your blog be a place for open discussion. I personally don't like the leggings trend. But thank goodness there is no dress code for church. I knew of investigators who came to church wearing "the wrong thing" and felt so ostracized by the members they never came back. That is a tragedy. If someones Sunday Best includes flip flops, jeans or a nose ring they should never feel hesitant to enter the doors of Christ's church. The Zoramites refused to let the poor worship in their synagogues because of their attire. I think we should try to make sure we're not doing the same by creating restrictions on what is and isn't acceptable church attire.
My opinion is they're ugly, and way too casual for church. I agree with some of the comments, that we shouldn't judge what others wear to church & we should pick our battles, but depending on the person, proper Sunday dress may be the issue that should be addressed. I think my biggest issue with that poster is that it appears to be saying it's ok to wear tights like that. They really should have just had the girl wearing a longer skirt, which would have been WAY more appropriate. To me, nice flip flops & a jean skirt would better than those tights/leggings. It seems like a cop-out. It's not that hard to find modest skirts/dresses, and if your skirt/dress is long enough not to need tights, don't wear them to church anyway.
There may not be a dress code, but there are guidelines. If the proper guidelines are taught with the spirit & no pointing fingers, YW (and others) will have a greater desire to dress appropriately, or at least the next time they go shopping for sunday clothes, they will be more apt to try & find appropriate clothes.
What? For real? I know some think they're okay and some think they are not appropriate. I personally wouldn't wear them to church but let other's make their own choices. I'm just suprised about the poster! That's unusual for BYU.
ps...I do agree not under too-short dresses. Not ideal for church.
I just read the fine print on that poster and it says, "Brought to you by the Student Honor Association" which I imagine is a bunch on hall monitors all grown up. That poster wasn't made by the Church. Be patient. This awful stretch-pants trend is going to go out of style quick (if it isn't already). No one will be wearing them in a year and the Student Honor Association is going to have to make a new ugly poster.
Thanks for posting this Jill. I love a good hot topic.
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