Effective Immediately we are back on our very strict cash only budget. And although we love doing super fun things with you like going to movies, or plays, or vacations, or getting pizza etc. etc, we no longer have funds to support such lively behavior. So I'm just letting you all know. Please don't invite us to anything fun that costs . . . well. . . .anything really. Super fun/up for anything Hyrum and Jill family no longer exists. And although you might want to invite us just so we feel included, please don't. It just makes us feel bad that we can't go. However, if you want to invite us to something that is free and/or really cheap, we are down. Like Barbecues. We can do that, because it's just like us fixing dinner, but at someone else's house. This is actually working out well with one of my new philosophy's which is being less of a consumer and more of a saver. Except the saving part, because all the money we do have is going to school. But the end is in sight. Then, maybe, just maybe, we'll take you all out for pizza.
But don't count on it.
xoxoxoxo Jill and Hy
i hate money.
or really the lack of said money.
it all sucks.
*sigh* okay. Dang, I really wish we all had some of that money we worked so hard for and the government keeps taking away. But I guess they need it more than we do.
Boo, budgets ruin all fun times. I guess we will just have to have a lot more BBQ's, so get to planning one Jill.
We are in the same boat. Loving BBQ's myself.
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