I'm a thinker, an I can't ever shut it off, and so when people aren't talking to me I'm talking to myself, and as I was washing dishes alone while Hyrum went to get Sonic ice I started thinking about random things about myself. I usually find these things interesting when they are on other people's blogs so i'm sharing
I get immense satisfaction from pulling hair out of bathtub drains with a bent paper clip
I always have to have something covering me when I sleep
Even though I'm pretty chill, I'm a worrier and I make up crazy things that might happen to me or my family
When I have the money, I can shop all day from opening to close and then start again the next day, and then do returns the next day.
I am completely fulfilled with motherhood, and I wish others could be, and I understand that some are not, and I don't judge them, I just wish they could be, because I think they wish they could be.
I judge people whose kids throw fits in public, however, I sometimes give them the benefit of the doubt that their kid may be autistic. Come on, you know you do too.
I don't take my kids into public for the aforementioned reason.
Just kidding.
I'm not on Facebook, and refuse to, because I don't want to be found.
I love drinking chocolate milkshakes my husband makes with sonic ice and a hint of Pero. (like right now, mmmm)
I'm currently getting an "F" in parenting, in the last week I've yelled at my kids to Shut up (which I don't think is right) and I've threatened to beat the #@!* out of them if they didn't stop fighting.
I'm judging myself on that one--Parenting for the past week F
Sometimes I reach my limit of being touched for the day, and when my kids are in my face and all over me I flip and do weird ticks and things.
I love 100+ degree heat outside.
I a group of friends that I think are golden, and I really don't bother making new ones, because I'm good with the ones I have.
I make friends easily.
I'm kind of like Mr. Darcy on Pride and Prejudice, "My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever."
I'm not that bad, but I don't bother keeping bad energy around.
That said, I'm also a fiercely loyal friend.
I currently have a successful basil plant in my backyard, so if you live around me, please come by and get some for your cooking.
I've decided not to worry about my weight and measurements until Fall.
I've had 4 cream cheese frosted cinnamon rolls in the last 24 hours.
It took me 3 tries to spell cinnamon correctly.
I really want to open an etsy shop.
I wish I were more spontaneous than I am.
I want to sew, but have realized that I hate sewing. It's too frustrating.
I'm bummed that only 2 people responded to my last blog post.
Oh, and as for this picture, it was taken in Utah by Josie who told me to pose like that, do my hands like that, and although you can't see it, she had me close one eye. She wanted me at my best.
i personally love randoms about anyone!
so i must comment.
excellent assortment. Rockin' pic by Josie!
GRODY on the hair. ewww.
i reach my touch limit too. and my noise limit. seriously i can only hear so much in one day from certain people. and then i must run away for some me time.
For a second I thought you were posing in a cemetery. And it made me laugh really hard. And I like the random information. It all makes sense.
This is what I love about you. Tell it like it is and don't apologize for being who you are. Love you Jill.
The randomness is AWESOME. You ARE the greatest friend a girl could have. I miss our late night iChat therapy sessions.
are you in a cemetery?
NOt in a cemetery, the girls made flower arangements at their aunt's flower shop and I was posing with them
I really thought you were smiling and doing "hang loose" over somebody's grave...
Either way Josie's got talent. I want her to pose our next family picture.
those are all awesome! You are so random and fun! :)
Love you, that's all. Just love you!
p.s. you can visit me in GA anytime
loved it jill. I also have a touch limit thing too. I also have a weakness for cinamon rolls. Yummy stuff!
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