Are you freaking kidding me?
Yesterday we got all loadedup and ready go to Lagoon and get there before noon so we could get discount passes with this cup we had, so we load the burb with all our junk, put the kids in, and START to back out of the garage.
I knew, I knew right then, I forgot to put down the back window. Glass everywhere, and a big open back window. SUCK! Totally my fault.
We were undeterred, however, and everyone sprung into action.
Hy on the phone with Allstate
Bro in law on cleanup
Me on washing all the tiny shards off of EVERYTHING
Sis in law to Costco for discount passses since we were going to miss the noon deadline
And I figured out where everyone could squeeze in with everyone else.
So about 1 hour later we were on out way. There was room for everyone (with one double buckle)
Lagoon was fun as always.
Kizz cried and begged not to go on rides, but we made her and then she loved it from the first ride on.
Josie and Annabelle rocked the park
Beck was a good kid, mostly hanging out at "camp" with G'ma and G'pa --who were babysitting rockstars
Hy and I got to ride on Wicked, colossus, the blue spinny one, The Samurai, and Blast off. I wanted Re-entry but no one would go with me.
Weather was fantastic--being with cousins and fam was fun
Headed home and tried to find Chinese in Provo.
Hy pulled up at a stoplight and I asked the guy next to us if there were any good Chinese joints, he suggested "PF Changs" and I said "cheaper and faster" and he said "Panda Express" and I gave him a thumbs down, then he said "we're more of a hamburger and pizza sort of place"
That I had noticed, and hamburgers they are good at.
But as we had resigned to eat hamburgers Hy spotted a little sign down a little street. YAY! Yummy chinese for dinner. Egg rolls were de-lish
OH, and I had forgot, for breakfast we had cinammon rolls from Shirley's. LOVELY.
Oh, and Kiz barfed once in the middle of the night. All on her pillow. Pretty skilled. Still sucked.
Then everyone slept like exhausted people should. I lay awake randomly from 4-5 o'clock AZ time, just THINKING. Dumb. But I did come up with some good ideas for a poster print I want my rockstar graphics friend to do.
But then I stlept until 7:30! That is 8:30 in Utah, which sounds lame, but it was a success considering the super crap previous nights.
So today we hit the bookstore again, tried a new hamburger joint with good onion rings, I finally found a store that carried my Clinique lipstick, and now we're chillin with fam at the Homestead resort in Midway.
I love hotels. Don't know why, but I LOVE them.
OH, best news of today, back window fixed for $0. Thank you glass coverage.
And shout out to my super FAB husband who was awesome with the kids in every way, I knew I maried him for a reason.
And randomly, I miss my friends, and I think how fun it would be to do a big Vacaition with all of them and their fams. Lagoon would be a riot.
Sweet, I'm off to watch TV in bed with Hy---CABLE!, kids are sleeping, just wish we had milk for the Double Stuff Oreos I bought.