Has anyone ever tried to go on a bike ride with their kids, just mom and the kids. Not fun, very stressful. Red, The juice and I went on a bike ride. My tire was flat so I decided to ride my skate board. Mind you, I can't skate. I got one I think for our first Christmas and never really got time to do it because I became pregnant not too long after and was too worried about damaging the baby. I digress . . .. so since the juice only has a tri-cycle and she's . .. . well . . the juice---I knew she'd laf a bit behind. Red was all helmeted up and raring to go. Squoosh was napping, and so was Hy so they stayed home. So we went around the neighborhood. I spent so much time keeping them out of the middle of the street and yelling for Red to slow down and for The juice to go faster. It was so stressful. I actually did pretty good on my board. We were in the neighborhood and some high school girls were getting into their car and they said "Are you their mom?" To which of course I replied "Yes" and they said "You don't look old enough" Then I told them I was 32 and well old enough to have these two. Then I took a long look at myself. I had a button up vested jacket thingy from the JUNIOR department at target. I had on low rise slight flare jeans, and my converse and I was on a skate board . . . A SKATE BOARD. Add in my short hair and bangs. Um . . of course I didn't look old enough. Had I stuck with my initial list of new years resolutions I would be failing at specifically #12 #15 and #25. Well, I took along my new handy dandy Canon Powershot SD870 and got some fun shots. This one I tweaked in photoshop to make my shadow look more shadowy. I'm loving the camera. This will however be the last time I take those two on a bike ride by myself. I felt like I needed a massage by the time I got back my muscles were so tense. Oi.
Love the pic.
The story is freakin' hilarious.
And I think you should just embrace who you are and not worry about all that other stuff...you'll be the coolest skateboardin' Granny around one of these days!!
agreed....bike ride with kids=nightamre! I however would love that nightmare right now as my kids are bouncing off the walls in the awful cold snowy weather! Anyhow, LOVE that you were skateboarding.....and just because you are a mom and 32 doesn't mean you have to look it right? I would take that as a HUGE compliment! you are sooooo suoper cool!
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