I'm here to pay tribute to one of Hy's most beloved inanimate objects. The ipod Shuffle "The Shuff" as he affectionately called it. The Shuff had a short but busy life. He spent time with Hy while running, he was there when Hy's brother got bit by a dog, there at the beginning when running was hard. He has also stayed up many a night with Hy keeping him company filling his ears with sweet music, reading to him from Harry Potter. The Shuff did his best to drown out the sound of squealing little girls when Hy was trying to sleep during the day after a hard nights work. The Shuff went down just as he would have wanted, clipped to Hy's running shorts. The washing machine was the end for The Shuff. I have heard rumors that he held on through the bitter end. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. The Shuff is gone, The Shuff is gone.
Hy is in mourning, so if you see him with his sad face, wearing black, and earphonless . . . Give him a big hug.
that's funny. but sad. send him my condolences.
that sucks butt. love your writing.
Bummer. Why is it always the washing machine?!?
so sad for hy! but you are freaking hilarious!
Oh, so sad. Poor, poor HY. And poor little Shuf.
Good thing that the relatives of the shuf aren't pressing charges. That could get ugly...
Sorry for your loss. It's in electronical heaven along w/my old cell phone.
what a sad sad story....at least he has such wonderful and fond memories with his little buddy.
what could be sadder? my condolences.
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