Ever since the I heard the news that President Hinckley died, I've been speechless. I've wanted to cry and have a little, but mostly it has just got me thinking.
I would assume that the majority of you that read my blog are LDS (mormon) but I know there are some who aren't. I don't think I've every owned up to my faith on here, I just never had a reason to, until now.
President Hinckley was the prophet of our church. The same kind of prophet that lived in the old Testament. Someone on earth who communed with God. I have no doubt in my mind that this man was anything less than a man of God. The way he spoke, the things he said, the eloquence of it all. He had a way about him that made you want to follow his teaching, which made you want to "Stand a little taller, be a little better".
I've read one of his book's, Standing for Something, and it was powerful. It's a good read for anyone, but especially for those not of our faith. It wasn't written from the perspective of a prophet to his people, but a man of values to the world. He was always good at reminding us what was important, and I will miss that.
My father who is an atheist even said that there was something about that man. My dad said "You know, if I saw him in person and he asked me to go somewhere with him, I'd go". Which for my dad the skeptic, is saying a lot.
I have to be happy for him though. We discussed today with the kids what had happened, and Red said "I bet he's giving Heavenly Father a hug". This prompted us to think of who would be waiting for him, first of all his wife, which would have been a wonderful reunion. Then his family. Then we realized, prophets of old would have gathered to shake his hand. What a noble gathering it must have been.
President Hinckley spoke in a recent General Conferece and his message was "The Things of Which I Know". It's powerful, read it.
I'll miss President Hinckley, but luckily his words are written so that we can continued to be inspired.
yup! i came out today too. and all over the blogs today people posted about his passing. great explanation!
he was powerful.and he will be missed but i have a hard time feeling sad when we know what we know. and know he is happy and at peace.
He was an amazing man, no? I am so thankful for him, and I am sure he is happy to be with his wife : )
great words! We will all miss him....and yet, I am so happy for him a the same time....How beautiful is that? I love this Gospel and all it has taught me....we are a truely blessed people!
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