Arizona rocks for alot of reasons. I mean, there are a lot of reasons why it sucks. Mostly that it is September and it's still 100+ flippin' degrees outside, of which I'm pissed about. But come January I will be loving the weather and all of my friends in Nether--lands (Not the Netherlands) will be crying while I am singing praises to my home state.
But one of the big reasons that Arizona rocks is this picture.
1. I for some reason have come upon a group of girls that rock. not kidding--absolutely rock. I have no doubt in my mind that they have my back in any situation. It's crazy to be able to say that I have 10 or so girls that I know don't talk trash about me. That's rare.
2. The majority of Arizonans are comfortable in swimwear. You have to be. It's too frickin' hot to pretend like you don't want to swim at a swim party.
3. Which leads to #3 . . . there are a lot of swim parties. I have a choice of multiple pools to go to at any given time. That rocks. In the picture above, my friend Cami rented out a public pool for a few hours for her husbands birthday. It had an awesome kid area, dive tank (where the diving boards are) and two super fun slides.
4. Post swim party Sonic drinks. Nothing like having someone make a run to Ned's and get subs and then Sonic to get Vanilla Dr. Pepper with that yummy Sonic ice. I know other people have Sonic, but it is truly a Arizona Summer requirement. OH, and you can buy Sonic ice here. I've heard a rumor that not all Sonics do that. WHAT???????
5. Flips Flops year round--enough said.
Amen, sister! And although I am not in the picture, I've got your back too!
mmmmm...Sonic Ice. The BEST!
looks like fun. sounds like you are getting close to moving in. can't wait to see pics.
sonic ice is my one true love! gotta love AZ in the winter time! and once again gotta say I love the sonic ice!
I am so jealous! As much as I love Idaho--I loved Arizona too! I miss all the swimming....I don't think A and Baby G will ever learn! And as for all the great and super fun swim parties and BBQ's--well, they just don't happen here--and nope, haven't even come close to finding the type of friends that I left behind down there....thank goodness for blogs so I can keep in touch! Fun picture of you all...thanks for sharing! :)
Such a great photo- That was the best swimming place... I think we need to rent it out every friday night next summer! So glad you will sill be here ;)
I think we are all obsessed with Sonic Ice, YUM! Can ice be yum? I think so.
I just moved from Arizona to Texas and I'll admit that as far as weather is concerned I'd go for Arizona. I'll have to take your word on the cool people part. I was there a year and only found 3. I should have started blogging sooner.
AZ does rock! But it will be even better in about 6 weeks - then I will be lovin' life again.
AfrickinMEN to that one. AZ is by far my favorite state. After living in WI for 5 months recently I realized I took AZ for granted. People don't know how good they have it here until they move to the cold country where it is lame.
-Jennie Nichols
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