Anyone??? Anyone??? I really wanted to play Endless Summer Nights but they didn't have it. I have a good friend Kindy (Sherwood) Wolfley who can sing all the Richard Marx songs with me. In fact she can sing most of the tacky songs that are dear to my heart. I need to call her. Anyhow, I heard one of his songs on the radio and thought I'd pay tribut to Junior High. At least I think that is when I listened. So I got some music for my playlist and then I decided to look him up in itunes. Whoa!! That was so fun. I was singing away. Then they suggested other music I might like . . . soon I was listening to Roxettes "The Look" which may be featured at a future time. I see that he now has a Greatest Hits album. That would be super fun to have. I don't know how often I'd listen to it though--but man was it fun to sing to for a while tonight. Hy has started his new job at Scottsdale Healthcare and works nights. BO-RING for me. And I have to put the kids to bed all by myself. That stinks. Anyhow, Cheers to ol' Richard.

wow! sounds like a blast from the past music night! did you move in yet? congrats on Hy's new JOB! excellent benefits! the hours sound lame, but they'll change eventually right?
ok and rad songs! i ♥ these! and Roxette too! seriously slow dance/sing along material! NICE! i may have to add this to my playlist!
Ha Ha Jill, you are still cool in my book, like way cool, and what else is cool is that I never knew you liked Richard Marx type music. I read some of your posts and I totally agree that AZ totally rules...I love Chicago but the winters totally suck. I try to wear flipflops up until Dec, but just got made fun of :) So glad to hear from you...KIT little girl
Hey, I see you found Karen's website (The Matsen's). Awesome to find you and get caught up! Richard Marx....let's see, 7th grade flash backs? 80's music isn't my favorite but I admit I listen to a few artists now and then, like Erasure and that type of genre.
Richard Marx had hot hair back then.
i'm glad you brought up endless summer nights. that one goes out to my first boyfriend, chris gray. woo woo.
i feel you about nights at the hospital. clay has been working it for over a year now and, for some strange reason that i cannot fathom, LOVES working nights. which SHC does hyrum work at?
Totally could sing along with you. I too listened to Richard Marx....
Let me know if I can help out watching your girls for you when you head over to your house. I'd love to take them any time!
hey a sherwood, is she related to me? And I too love his rockin hair!!
p.s. Jill you've been tagged when/if you have time ;)
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