p.s. our air conditioning is broken

I was shopping at Trader Joes and a young twenty something store employee stopped me, "Mam", she said, (Mam?? is she really talking to me? mam??) "where did you get your cardigan?" (now that's more like it) "LOFT" I answer. And she stares blankly--"you know, Ann Taylor's LOFT?" Still blank. So I instruct her where to find a store, and move along. So I have found my niche-my choice of caridigan color-still cool, my choice of store to purchase it at--only cool to those of us "Mams".
wow! glad you are back and hooked up to the internet again! bummer on your AC! hope you got the home warranty! and i know a company that is great!
if you need a name. but I'm sure you have called someone already. Ok so are you coming to lunch tomorrow? i sent a email with the secret location. hope you can make it but understand if you don't with all the fun you are having currently! congrats on getting moved in and almost settled! YAY!
I am so excited to see photos of your new place all decorated and just YOU! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you guys and how much you totally deserve this!!!! It is amazing what you can accomplish without computer on the brain huh??? And as for the AC--that sucks, but hey, it's almost time to not need it right? Come on, we are in sweater weather here!
good thing it's not really that hot lately....*says the girl with a/c*
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