Hold on to your credit cards ladies. I have been wanting stuff from this store FOR-E-VER. It is
SEE JANE WORK. I just haven't had an office. Well, now I do. And as it is--we painted our office Gray. We ran out of colors and thought why not. So I am excited about it because then I can accessorize with colors. I need more money though because I want everything from this store. Seriously--there is not one thing from this store I would not want. Looksie for yourself.
Maybe I'll start with funky
paper weights
Then how about some
SMENCILS Yes! smelly pencils

For my
to do lists
Pouches to put my smencils and other random things in

CD labels for my photography backups
Magazine holders. Or file holders. Also doubles as magnet board

Maybe one for Hy's homework papers, and one for my random papers.

Now I need folders to put in my magnetic folder holder. Maybe these

super cute stuff! i've bought similar to-do lists from anthro and they don't seem to help me get anything more done.... but their cuteness is inspiring!
love love office supplies! I'll have to check that out! and hmmm gray! NI CE! i am a fan of white so i can decorate with colored crap all over!
I have found fantastic printed folders like that at Tuesday morning,and Marshalls. but those places are hit or miss and take time. can't wait to see what ya get and how you do it!
$65 for A (as in one) paper weight?! did i read that right? i really hope not.
Holy crap that is $65 for the paper weights. I guess it's cuz their monogrammed. Everything else is normal priced, at least I think so.
Super cute and so totally you! Can't wait to see pictures of your NEW OFFICE! I am so jealous!
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