Things I know about exercising that I realized today others might not know.
Right out of college I took a class at MCC about exercise--it was a full course and it prepared you to become an aerobics instructor. You can actually just take a day course to become one, but that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted to in the know. So the info I'm giving you is circa 1998, so different studies might have been published by now. But this is what I learned.
In order to burn the fat that you want to get rid of (the terms escape me) you have to elevate your heart rate for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes your body turns from burning your normal energy to burning fat stores. So whatever you do, keep you need to exercise at least 40 minutes or so to burn the stored fat.
In step aerobics it's not necessary to add two risers to get a good work out. In fact, it could be harmful to you. It all depends on your height. I'm too short for two risers because of the angle my legs are--it does damage to my knees. So even when I'm my most fit, I still use one riser. Also, it's safer.
If you want to get your heart rate up elevate your arms. To make up for only one riser, raise your hands above your heart. That is what is going to make your heart rate rise. So just do more overhead reaches when the teacher is keeping hers at a lower level. That is how I get a good cardio workout without damaging my knees.
Balance your abs and back. Each muscle has a balancing muscle to make others work right (again terms escape me). Bicep and tricep. One works one side of your arm, and the other works the other. Most people focus on ab work and neglect to balance it out with back strengthening. In severe cases this can cause hunching, but seriously--how many of us are doing THAT many crunches? So when you work your abs, make sure to do back strengthening exercises too. I lay on my stomach and then lift my arms and feet and hold it.
Keep your core tight (abs and buns) through most of your workout--if it allows.
I think that's it. If I remember anything else. I'll be sure to add it.
I like this post. Now I know.
Super cool, thanks for the info...very helpful!
And, why am I not the least bit surprised about your birthday?
Ok, this is Natalie...I've hijacked my son's laptop. So, it's me not Cade.
Are you starting some new regime, girl? Or did you already have the regime and I just didn't know? Cecily wants to talk to Annabelle today. I told her we'd call.
Thanks! I WRECKED my knees adding two risers a few years back. Now I'm one of very few who only use one. :) Helpful little tidbits. :)
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