Q: Butter or Margarine?
P.S. Regardless of what you say, I'm sticking with butter.
A: This is easy,
Anything that has been chemically altered or processed extensively should be avoided. Butter is good. It is an all-natural form of fat. Margarine came out when people (nutrition researchers) thought fat was bad and it was giving people heart disease and high cholesterol. There is more evidence everyday that fat is good, especially from nuts, seeds, fish, and vegetables. Sure, butter, cheese, and other dairy-based fats should be treated as a condiment or occasional dessert, but overall, fat is essential. Fake, processed, chemically altered fat, like Margarine, is not. Go Butter!
I am a lurker, but you have pulled me out. I am LOVING this little segment. So fun to learn these nutrition facts!
Butter is better, thank goodness.
I hope it's ok to disagree with this. I just spent the weekend in the hospital with heart problems. While i do agree that anything processed is bad and natural is good. I think butter and creams are the worst. They have some much bad Cholesterol in them that the benefits are far out weighed by the negatives. We cook very little with butter anymore. We use 100% extra virgin olive oil in our meals. I do agree nuts and fish are very beneficial and healthy. Maybe i said the same thing you did but i just think if you can pull away from butter now it will shave you a lot of chest pain in the future.
I love the new segment with Calli. I am a huge fan of butter so I was happy to read her answer. Her nutritious lifestyle explains why she looks like a supermodel. I will be paying attention to her advice.
Bear, you have not disagreed at all! I'm glad to see you using extra virgin olive oil, there are many good nutrients there as well. Remember the part about butter and cream type fats being used in small amounts as condiments? I don't cook like Paula dean and say it's okay to eat a stick of butter like a candy bar, I just mean that butter is better for you than margarine!
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