I was backing up all of my files on my computer and found this gem. So I thought I'd post.
Anyhoodles, I'm getting my computer all cleaned off and RAMmed up, so I'll be away for a bit. Not very long, but I thought I'd post anyway
I was shopping at Trader Joes and a young twenty something store employee stopped me, "Mam", she said, (Mam?? is she really talking to me? mam??) "where did you get your cardigan?" (now that's more like it) "LOFT" I answer. And she stares blankly--"you know, Ann Taylor's LOFT?" Still blank. So I instruct her where to find a store, and move along. So I have found my niche-my choice of caridigan color-still cool, my choice of store to purchase it at--only cool to those of us "Mams".
oh how i miss photo booth at the candland's house.
owen and elliot sat and stared at this pic for the last 10 min. not sure what they were waiting for it to do.
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