This kid---I swear.
I was attempting to take a much needed heavy pregnant lady nap on my couch. Why the couch? Oh, because it supports my stomach just in the right place so I don't have to wedge a pillow under it.
Anyhow, she came up and started hammering (with a tinker toy sort of hammer) on my butt. And she said "Wow mom your buns or so squooshy"
Then she make a little person out of her hands, you know like you do when you make the legs your first and middle fingers. And she started bouncing the little finger man on my buns and then she said
"Your butt is so bouncy it would make a great trampoline for a mouse"
That reminds me of what Lisa used to do to Barb. BTW I will be up in Pinetop foe the rest of the week. If you are gong to be up there we should hang out.
NICE! i'm sure you were sufficiently flattered? she has a fab imagination!
Rude, kick her out of the house for blatant disrespect.
jessy says that to me all the time- she comes up and just wiggle my booty around and then proclaims it to be "squishy" and walks away. it is so great. after i am done laughing i want to scream in her face that i had a great butt before i sacfificed it on the alter of motherhood, along with my boobs- but who cares, squishy is hot!!
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