Like so . . .
AWESOME-----My freezer is completely clean, wiped down with Clorox wipes and all
NOT AWESOME----the reason why it's so empty and clean is that ---apparently---when you leave out of town for a few days, you should make sure that the freezer clicks shut. We went out of town for the 4th and I thought it was shut. We returned to an entirely thawed out freezer. Luckily, it didn't smell because it was about fridge temperature. But everything was ruined. Two bags of Costco Chicken breast, two giant bags of Costco ravioli, tons of other meats, breakfast sausage, etc. etc. It also made a nasty wet mess at the bottom. Luckily, Hy figured out how to pull the whole door front off, so I could get to it. But we were out of paper towels, so I had to soak up that nasty mess with an old towel. We then threw away an ENTIRE garbage bag full of food, and that nasty towel. GGRRRRR. And it was Sunday when we got back, and the trash man doesn't come until Friday. That is one funky stench outside.
See------Awesome and not awesome.
DANG! not awesome! and yet awesome clean freezer! time to start new! i hope you weren't the one gagging over that! or is Hy the queasier one? i would totally push that one off on the hubster! i don't do FUNK!
Does it count on the Awesome side that your fridge rocks? Dave would kill for one of those babies!
Make that TWO full garbage bags of meaty funk. And cleaning it up was a mutual effort. All that sticky chicken juice at the bottom of the freezer was NASTY.
that is so true about the awesome - not awesome. pretty much all of life is that way. you are so deep!
oh boy, we had that happen once, but not to the same degree. The thought of chicken juice having to be cleaned up is making me a little gaggy.
That totally SUCKS! I want to gag just thinking about it. But holy cow....THAT is your fridge/freezer now??? Wow! You really moved up in the world! :)
Hey Jill, how are you. I hope you don't mind me posting and saying hi. I ran into your blog and haven't seen you for so long. Your little girls are so dang cute. I was laughing my head off at your "alien" post. Drop in once in a while.. Oh your picture taking skills are great. I LOVE photography and you do a great job.
That sucks, and you are super amazing that you cleaned it up. I definitely would have pulled the pregnancy card on that one and would have had the hubby clean it up!
Great concept. I think it should be NOT AWESOME -- AWESOME. Then you can end on the happy note!
Great blog you have!
Jessica McDougall
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